How to Make Cottage Cheese Pancakes With Strawberries and Pistachios?

Serves 1 // 25 minutes.
- 50g oat flakes
- 2 eggs
- 200g cottage cheese
- 20g xylitol
- 10 ml olive oil
- 100 ml milk
- 5 g baking powder
- 100g strawberries
- 100g natural yogurt
- 10g dark chocolate
- 20 g pistachios

- Oatmeal, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, xylitol and baking powder blend to a smooth
paste. - Pour olive oil into the pan and heat it up.
- Form pancakes from the resulting mass and fry on both sides on low heat.
- Pancakes alternate with yogurt and strawberries.
- Sprinkle with crushed pistachios and dark chocolate.

Nutrition Facts (1 serving)
- Kcal: 819
- Protein: 75.50 g
- Fats: 38.03 g
- Carbohydrates: 55.06 g
- Fibre: 4.10 g
- Na: 801.70 mg
- K: 862.10 mg
- Ca: 704.00 mg
- P: 1033.05 mg
- Mg: 93.05 mg
- Fe: 4.90 mg
- Zn: 5.26 mg
- Vit A: 317.60 μg
- Vit E: 2.69 mg
- Vit B1: 0.30 mg
- Vit B2: 0.83 mg
- Vit B6: 0.72 mg
- Vit C: 67.32 mg
- Vit B12: 3.93 μg
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