Protein Porridge with Coconut, Raspberry and Chia Seeds
Serves 1 // 10 minutes.
- 70g oat flakes
- 100 ml coconut milk
- 150 ml Greek yogurt
- 10 g chia seeds
- 10g cookie flavor nutrient
- 150g raspberries

- Boil the flakes with coconut milk. Place it ready on the bottom of the dish.
- Crush the raspberries with a fork. Pour half of them into the dish.
- Mix 100g of Greek yogurt, chia seeds and protein supplement and let stand for about 15 minutes. After this time, add ingredients to the rest.
- Put the second part of raspberries as another layer.
- Pour everything over the rest of the yogurt.
- Put in the fridge to concentration. It is best to prepare breakfast the day before.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)
- Kcal: 576 kcal
- Protein: 33.01 g
- Fat: 19.17 g
- Carbohydrates: 80.52 g
- Fibre: 18.28 g
- Na: 6.5 mg
- K: 634.1 mg
- Ca: 163.8 mg
- P: 429.6 mg
- Mg: 151 mg
- Fe: 4.65 mg
- Zn: 2.71 mg
- Vit A: 4.5 ug
- Vit E: 1.98 mg
- Vit B1: 0.35 mg
- Vit B2: 0.2 mg
- Vit B6: 0.2 mg
- Vit C: 47.1 mg
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