Sweet Spinach Pancakes Recipe

Serves 1 // 20 minutes.
- 200 g frozen spinach
- 3 eggs
- 50 g oat flakes
- 20 g xylitol
- 30 g natural yogurt
- 5 g baking powder
- 30 g banana
- 50 g peach
- 20 g walnuts

- Defrost spinach and heat it in a pan to evaporate the water.
- Separated proteins from the yolks and whisked gradually by adding xylitol.
- Blend spinach, egg yolks and flour until smooth.
- Add the beaten protein and mix slowly so as not to lose volume.
- Put 3 tablespoons of mass on a heated frying pan and fry covered on each side.
- Pour ready-made pancakes with yogurt and add fruit.

Nutrition Facts (1 serving)
- Kcal: 631
- Protein: 34.71 g
- Fats: 26.87 g
- Carbohydrates: 72.72 g
- Fibre: 10.16 g
- Na: 258.20 mg
- K: 1034.90 mg
- Ca: 262.50 mg
- P: 619.70 mg
- Mg: 192.30 mg
- Fe: 10.45 mg
- Zn: 5.72 mg
- Vit A: 1732.70 μg
- Vit D: 2.55 μg
- Vit E: 6.20 mg
- Vit B1: 0.39 mg
- Vit B2: 0.96 mg
- Vit B6: 0.88 mg
- Vit B12: 2.40 μg
- Vit C: 90.03 mg
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