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How to Make Tapioca Pudding?

Tapioca Pudding ingredients

Serves 1 //  25 minutes


  • 50 g tapioca
  • 50 g frozen strawberries
  • 50 g plain yogurt
  • 5 g dark cocoa
  • 10 g cashews
  • 200 ml milk
Tapioca in bowl


  1. You can soaked tapioca in water before cooking, thanks that cooking time is shorter.
  2. Cook tapioca on milk. You can sweeten it with erythritol or xylitol.
  3. Mix the yogurt with cocoa.
  4. Cut the strawberries into cubes.
  5. Set tapioca to cool. Put to a glass dish.
  6. Top with a cocoa layer.
  7. Sprinkle with pieces of strawberries and cashews.
Tapioca Pudding

Nutrition Facts (1 serving)

  • Kcal: 393
  • Protein: 12.51 g
  • Fats: 9.27 g
  • Carbohydrates: 65.76 g
  • Fibre: 1.83 g
  • Na: 92.70 mg
  • K: 427.50 mg
  • Ca: 261.70 mg
  • P: 263.30 mg
  • Mg: 59.20 mg
  • Fe: 2.04 mg
  • Zn: 1.45 mg
  • Vit A: 41.00 ug
  • Vit E: 0.34 mg
  • Vit B1: 0.12 mg
  • Vit B2: 0.37 mg
  • Vit B6: 0.15 mg
  • Vit B12: 0.80 ug
  • Vit C: 22.65 mg

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Tapioca Pudding
Iwona - Dietician

Master's degree in dietetics with a passion for sport and travel. She lives in Poland and runs her own diet clinic daily. She works mostly online not only with athletes but also with people who require specialized diets. Privately, she runs a blog about traveling and dietetics.

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